内容简介:1)本书荟萃了诸多海内外交易品种的经典走势: 基于技术形态分类新解+优化指标量化买卖,融合出明确进出点的交易策略。
2)本书在关键图表上以文字+多彩画线模式展现: 定位于有实战经验的股民们,一看即懂,且更为绘声绘色,接地气的实战!
1) This book is a collection of classic trends from many trading varieties both home and abroad. Based on the innovative solution of technical structure classification and optimized indicators for quantitative trading, form the strategy of clearly entering and selling area.
2) The book is shown in the key charts with colorful lines and words. Target groups for the full experience traders, easy to understand, and more vivid, close to actual market-trading.股票/期货精准买卖点——量化结构体系